Saturday, August 30, 2008

Nature: Widescreen.

This morning i woke my sick ass up, and went outside to get the only medicine i knew of; a cigarette.
Yes i should be quitting, No i dont know when.

Autumn is the shit. Yes i say autumn, i'm from Michigan damnit. I love leaves, they smell awesome and litter the streets so beautifully.

Enjoy the little things, so the great things will be so much greater.

look at me

Oh shit i'm sick.
like literally im ill. I hate that shit, i hold on to colds like japanese folks hold on to the whole "internment camp" thing. I've been working a shitload, and i need to calm down. I've been spending money i shouldnt on sneakers, i'll stop soon enough. I need moar to do.

i noticed the other day, people in washington tend to overlook its beauty. they take the shit for granted because they have seen it many times before, or its "some tourist shit"

i love the washington monument, no matter how phallic the shit is. throw a sky behind it and you've got some beauty

Saturday, August 23, 2008

How da fuck do we posta keep peace?

Apparently, its so cold in the D.

Friday, August 22, 2008

this shits funny


Dunks and Drunks

new acquisition. Part of the NBA pack. two more to go.
ive been feelin real emo recently, gotta do something about that.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008



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