Monday, March 30, 2009

Good Morning

Hello. This is your local news anchor James Lawson reporting. I've been on hiatus for a while, and I've returned with a compelling news story.

I lied. there's nothing interesting going on. when or if i find something i'll inform you.

Stay tuned. Sources say it'll happen soon...

Friday, March 6, 2009


Lent is Harrrrrrrd. For lent, I gave up alcohol, sex, and red meat. When you give up shit like that you notice a few things: All of your friends want to go out, and buy you drinks, but they never did before. There's not much to eat thats convenient except burgers. Sex is beautiful, and when you give it up, its readily available.

I don't think i've ever wanted to have sex as much as I do right now. Its ridiculous, and may God have pity on the woman who breaks my fast. I'm going to do some evil things to whomever that is.
The red meat isn't a problem until I decide I'm going to get something to eat. I always so "lemme go get a burg...". Then my friend says "lets hit south street (click here). Best cheesesteak you'll ever have outside of Philly. They do the unthinkable: put cheese wiz on the sammich. Oh Lord. Let's not reminisce on that.

Alcohol is easy, but I realized how much I use it as a crutch. I get mad, i have a drink. I get unhappy, I have a drink. I can't think, I have a drink. I drink like people breathe. Hey, i'm saving my liver and money.

Billy Mays


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Short story again.

It's 4:30 and for some reason i have the urge to write. I haven't written anything in about 3 years so be patient.

I paced my floor so much, the soles of my feet were warmed. I was anxious, which for me is nothing new. She had left on a trip to Cleveland and I knew the next morning, I'd wake and I wouldn't see her face. There would be no stale breath in my face, pleading for me to shut the alarm off. No one to eat greasy breakfast at noon with me. There would be no legs kicking me, jostling for more covers. I wouldn't wake at 4 am to kiss the back of anyones neck. I'd be left alone to sleep by myself.
My arm cramped, I was on the phone with her during the 3 hour drive into Ohio. By now, she had unpacked and settled in, and I was left staring blankly at the disheveled bed. Surely, no one expected me to sleep. I wasn't whole, and for the first time since I found the missing piece, I was to sleep without her. She was Park Place, I was Board Walk.
As I laid in bed, I grabbed my phone. I needed to at least hear her voice before I slept. Her voice was smooth, and sure. Eloquent, soft, assuring, playful, and beautiful. Words didn't come from her tongue. They dangled sweetly from her lips and dropped with every sentence. She answered quickly. I was missed.
We spoke about her hotel room, and how spacious the area was. We spoke about her internship that sent her there. We spoke about the trivialities of my day, of our favorite flavor toothpaste, of Conan O'Brian. Her incredible, elegant voice had lulled me into tranquility. I was sure this was possible. I could sleep, though my eyes couldn't have felt lighter, and my back couldn't have been in a state of further discomfort.
There was a knock on the door. At my apartment complex, a neighbor of mine would sell stolen goods for next to nothing. He was a drug addict, but looked nothing of the sort. A stocky man, in desperate need of a shave and cleaner clothes. He was just looking for his next fix, and if the item was right, who was I to deny him. I once bought a DVD player that only played 3 of my movies, and had no remote. Worst $13 I've ever spent. I was fully prepared to shoo him away. He had a knack for showing up at the worst times.
I stared her in her brown eyes. My heart clasped, and I was elated, though I dare not show it. Pride and the desire to maintain a sense of masculinity took precedence over my desire to embrace her in my arms and squeeze life out of her. I wanted to clap and shriek with glee. I seriously felt like I just got a yes note from a girl I liked. She loved me as much as I loved her, even moreso to drive 3 hours back to see me. Just to see me. I love her. We kissed, sweetly, strongly and lovingly. I hugged her, firm but short. We disrobed and slept. I love her.

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