Thursday, October 23, 2008

This is thefacebiter's Movie of the Month, "When Harry Met Sally". Men
your girlfriend has seen this movie, at least once. Women force your
man to watch it. He'll learn some serious shit from it. But the one thing
that i believe that no one can argue with is Billy Crystal's evaluation of
man-woman relationships and how they cease to exist if one of them is
even remotely attractive.

I love this scene, quite possibly the best scene in the movie, apart from
when he sees his ex wife in the store and everything that transpires after
that. He's giving her a rundown on how it is, not how he thinks it
should be. She's reluctant to see the truth and he's trying ever so
desperately to get her to see that men and women are, by nature,
not meant to be just friends. Unless one is either ugly or involved
heavily into a man. Lord knows recently i've seen my share of
married woman.
I give this my Netflix pick of the month, as well as my "dudes, suck
it up and watch it. you'll like it" stamp of approval.


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