Thursday, October 16, 2008


If you have made a "WDYWT" post, you are, in fact, a hypebeast. You are that which you hate, which you have undoubtedly spent hours poking fun at, and spent thousands trying to avoid becoming. You have purchased countless shirts, sneakers, jeans, watches, backpacks, glasses, bracelets, and other things, only to run home and take a picture of them fresh out of the box. You have posted that picture on everyones blog, on your own blog, on your myspace, flickr, and even have it set as your blackberry background. Because we all know, you went and bought a blackberry and have no business ventures justifying such a tool.
You make fun of the guy who went and bought a pair of Air Jordan Six Rings, because they're "fusions, not authentic, wack", when in fact the sole basis of this "culture" is to look good, feel good. If the person who bought these sneakers feels comfortable wearing them, then fuck off. They like the sneakers, and it doesnt matter if you like them.
You took a picture of what you wore today. Why? To show off the new shit you went and copped during the C'mon half off sale, the DG website, or any other countless sneakerhead shops. You own about 40 pairs of sneakers, and wear the same 10. meaning the other 30 are gathering mold and decaying, making your investments....shit.
For fucks sake, $80 x 30= $2400. You spent $2400 to take pictures, and leave. Smart.

I hate you all, hype-o-crits. Thats my new name for you.


Frank Moody said...

Interesting. I'm glad i consolidated my collection so that everything gets put into the rotation.

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