Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Years Res

People are completely shitting on New Years Resolutions. They're complaining that people never make an attempt to change until the new year comes. Why would you be against someone making a personal change for themselves. Whether its to lose weight, to be nicer, to save money, or stop shopping as much, it doesn't matter. Whether you're like me and you'd just like to cut a bad habit like smoking, or if you'd like to make an effort to go to church weekly, it's a step in the right direction to admit you're not doing something you should be doing. Intent is equally as important as effort.

My resolution is to stop smoking. It's the most difficult thing I've ever done. Here's a picture of me smoking, and it's the last one anyone will ever see.

Rebel without a cause

Yes I'm smoking next to a no smoking sign. I'm a rebel

Mass Appeal - GangStarr

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