Monday, November 24, 2008

The shoe.

I was walking home from coppin a pack of cigarettes (not for me, technically)and this caught my eye. It was laying in the street. I immediately imagined two scenarios
One was a girl who had a doll, and whos bitch of a mother didn't care that her favourite dolly, Maria, had lost her left heel. She cried on the bus because her doll was in imperfect, and her mother stared blankly ahead, shushing the weeping toddler.

The second scenario was there had been some 6 inch tall vixen who was forced to wear the latest fashions in Mattel, and she'd been stalking me. She was beautiful, smarter than anyone could imagine someone with the brain the size of a starburst would be. She was terribly shy and really wanted to tell me how she'd been watching me wander and that she found herself falling for a man almost 10 times her height. I'd found her shoe and now we were playing this real life Cinderella.

I like the latter of the two explanations. It's less disappointing.

So my mini-love, if you're one of the few who reads this, let me know about our love affair. I'll return your shoe if you're ready to take this to the next level.


ASHLEY said...

despite what you may believe, it's my shoe. i dropped it.

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