Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Why am I awake?/ Xmas 2008

I apologize for gettin mad personal, it was brought to my attention. I'll try to keep it down?

On another note, one of my favourite sites, which hasnt posted in a while, popped into my head this morning. I once shared a few of their funny shit with a few people but never posted about it myself. www.aidsvertising.com
Now they tend to O.D on some, but others are just HILARIOUS.

Christmas wish list time, blisatches:

A race car bed. How pimp were these? Im sure if I could find a queen sized bentley or something, I'd be the man. Then again, fuckin in the backseat almost always guarantees you a child (not like I'm fuckin anyway).

It's been brought to my attention that I'm going bald. Women this is like someone telling you that you've gained weight. And your tits are shrinking. All in one. You really want to hurt a mans feelings, attack his hair and say its thinning, he's going bald, something of that sort. Someone get me the rogaine superultradeluxe package.

Anyone who knows anything about me knows how I feel about the song, Christmas Time is Here. You'll also know that I have an obsession with Vince Guaraldi, the composer for all of the Peanuts/Charlie Brown movies. Dude has a few albums he did with the Vince Guaraldi Trio, and a christmas album he did WITHOUT the choir singin. I can't find the christmas songs without the kids but i know they exist. I remember hearing them on Canadian radio when I was at Western Market with my dad.

Now this is just funny.

Last but not least, the beer belt. I would like this beer belt for obvious reasons. I'd be the coolest mofo in the land if I could reach onto my Dark Knight-esque belt and pull off a can of Bud Light or two. The mami's would be on me and the bro's would praise me, but most of all, I'd be too drunk to care.


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